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What makes a female CEO successful?

Female CEOs said success came when they invested in their own career development. Researchers identified three "self themes" -- self-acceptance, self-development and self-management -- common to the female leaders. Female CEOs are still underrepresented worldwide. In the history of the Fortune 500, only 64 women have made the list.

Can female CEOs make it to the corner office?

Believe in yourself. May sound like corny advice, but it works for successful female CEOs. In an Oxford University study charting global CEO success, 151 male and female CEOs talked about making it to the corner office. But surprise, surprise -- the men and the women had different career paths.

Are female CEOs still underrepresented in the Fortune 500?

Female CEOs are still underrepresented worldwide. In the history of the Fortune 500, only 64 women have made the list. The study showed that while men generally rely on networks, mentors and other people to help them up the corporate ladder, women instead reported that they observed others to inform their own individual senses of leadership.

Are women CEOs older than men?

According to the study, women CEOs are slightly older than their male counterparts, in part because it takes them 30% longer than men to reach the corner office. But those who reached the top were often committed to making profound changes at their organizations. The four-month research offers a rare glimpse at how female CEOs operate.

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